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Patricia Paris

The Spiritual Side of Sarah

"My wife also read the book, and, surprisingly, liked it a lot. She's a tough critic, and a pentecostal minister to boot."
E. Alan Long, Carroll County Newspapers, Berryville, Arkansas

"I did enjoy the books.  Sarah is a part of so many individual personalities that we all know- even our own at times.  I became absorbed with her antics and yet wanting to better understand and accept her tribulations while hoping she can finally learn from her mistakes. ... A small Southern town with the complexity of personalities living there, each with his/her own problem-solving and the judgmental traits so often found is told in an absorbing manner.  I feel like I have known Sarah for many years, and yet her characterization is fresh and exciting.  I want to respond, 'Tell me more'"
J. Huge Vernon, Houston, TX

"I was enthralled and captured by the story, Patricia, your characters, and the ability you had to depict and describe the southern people and their somewhat humorous 'traditions'. Holding my attention (a true 'can't sit still, never watch T. V' personality) is quite a challenge, and you did so with little effort!"
Click here to read the entire letter.
Click here to read the Bristol Bugle review of The Spiritual Side of Sarah.
Laurie Eads, Editor , Bristol Bugle, Bristol, IN

"Just finished The Spiritual Side of Sarah today and it was GREAT! I could hardly put it down once I started reading it. My husband Jeff is an ordained minister and raised in the Pentecostal Church. He and I talked and laughed a lot about Sarah and he says Patricia Paris got it all down right which must have required enormous research. Jeff says he knew a lot of "Sarahs" in his day, those who thought they were spiritually helping people with their lies. We also discussed the recounting of the Tent Revival Evangelist and how Ms. Paris got that right on the money too. I really got into Sarah but a few times I wanted to slap her silly because she never seemed to learn. This book is begging for a sequel!"
J. Ramey, The Christian Arsenal, Loveland,OH

"Hats off to Patricia Paris for the delightful The Spiritual Side of Sarah. As with her first book, I was again appreciative of the attention given to nostalgic detail and the author's blending of the true characters of a given era with fictional ones. Many a Tennessean will identify with shopping at country music promoter/grocery chain operator Cas Walker's. Sarah and her self-serving escapades had me laughing aloud, especially those with the tent preacher."
R. Wood, Ringgold, GA

"This preacher's wife gives The Spiritual Side of Sarah an A+ although I won't be giving this book to my young granddaughter to read for a few years. Sarah deserves a sequel; maybe we can make a saint outta her yet!."
J. Powers, Cassatt SC
"The Spiritual Side of Sarah sure kept my attention. That Sarah is one ornery little lady. Couldn't help but love her though. I have no doubt that anyone who picks up this book will love it"
D. Graham , Wilmer, TX
"Early on Patricia Paris moves easily between characters developing them thru internal dialog. We see right away Sarah saying and doing what she needs to get what she wants. I notice unique interesting descriptions that typify good writing. Very nice. Sarah's character is the primary one we see and I find her disturbingly familiar. She's a hypocrite but so am I and so are you. So are we all.

"But she is more than that. Hopefully when we repent we know why and what for and come to the real Lord to have a relationship with Him.

"The story Patricia Paris has given us is not that one but it is one well worth reading. This story reinforces my own experience that the Holy Spirit resides in buildings of flesh rather than brick and mortar."

Click here to read the entire review.

J. Hager, Salvation Train!

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