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1st World Library Glossary


Acid-Free Paper
Paper that is free from chemicals that destroy paper. It lasts longer, but costs more. It should be used for all books that are designed to be around for a few decades or longer.

Advance Copies
First books sent to those who ordered, requested, or were promised a book, generally before the book goes into distribution. As a self-publishing author, it's always a good idea to try selling some advanced copies of your book.

The position of text lines on a page. Left alignment means that the left margin of each line down the page is even, and that the right margin is ragged or uneven; right alignment means that the right margin is even down the page, and the left margin is ragged or uneven. Alignment can also refer to margins being justified, which refers to both left and right margins being even down the page, causing extra spacing between words when necessary. Center alignment means that the lines of text are centered down the middle of the page.

Artwork or Illustrations
Visual material, such as drawings, pictures, and photographs.

Back Matter
Printed material found in the back of the book after the main section of the book. This includes the appendix, the bibliography, the index, author's biography, etc.

Bar Code: The bar code is the ISBN number transferred into a worldwide compatible optical character recognition (OCR) form, the image made up of vertical lines that can be read by a scanner and identifies the title, author and publisher of the book. See ISBN.

The back and front covers and the spine that hold the pages of the book together.

The printer's photocopy or blue print mock-up of the book's pages. These are used by traditional publishers to detect errors and make corrections.  On-demand publishing uses a Proof that is a copy of the actual book.

Body Copy
The main section of the book.

Body Text
The typed portion of a page, excluding the headline.

Words or phrases in heavier and darker print used for emphasis.

Book signing
An event usually held at bookstores or book fairs where the author reads, talks or discusses his/her book, providing an opportunity for potential buyers to meet the author and to have a copy of the book personally signed.

Cataloging in Publication (CIP)
Card catalog information printed on the copyright page; a service provided by the Library of Congress for books extensively used in libraries.

Coated Paper
Chemically treated paper providing a glossy or matte finish used to enhance brightness.

The process of preparing the manuscript for the printer. At 1st World Library, the goal of the copyediting process is to produce a final manuscript with very few grammatical errors (it's unreasonable to expect the book to be "error free") and complete accuracy regarding formatting issues (page numbers, etc.).

A legal notice that protects "original works of authorship" both published and unpublished. However, these works must be in a form accessible to others. You can't copyright ideas.  The copyright is automatic and assumed from the moment the work is produced. However, it is easy for works to "slip into the public domain." All that needs to happen is for the author to "publish" without proper copyright notification. Proper notification is a statement on the work that it has been copyrighted by the author and the date of the copyright, i.e. Copyright 2002, Brad Fregger.

Direct mail
Form of advertising by sending information (usually as a brochure or flyer) directly to potential buyers.

A company that, for a fee, represents publishers by handling the warehousing and shipping of books to bookstores and libraries.

eBook: A book that is available in electronic format. Usually eBooks are available in Adobe PDF or eBook Reader format, or in Microsoft's LIT format.

The process where the manuscript is prepared for publication.  At 1st World Library, the goal of our editing process is to produce an effectively written manuscript that communicates the author's message clearly.

A particular typeface in a specific point size.

Introductory remarks to the book written by someone other than the author.

Front Matter
Printed material found in the front of the book before the actual body copy starts. It includes title and copyright pages, dedication, foreword, preface, table of contents, etc.

Fulfillment House
A company that handles the entire ordering process for books, such as storing, packing, mailing, maintaining records, and other business related operations for the author or publisher.

The white space formed by the inner margins of two facing pages.

A caption or headline used to introduce chapters, sections or a new topic, usually in larger and bolder typeface than the body text.

ISBN Number
International Standard Book Number. This is the number that is used by booksellers to identify each book in stock. It's a worldwide identification system that is a required element in the book distribution industry.

Positioned lines of text so that the left and right margins are evenly set down the side of a page.  

A speech or talk given at an event during a time when all attendees would be in attendance. For example, the Luncheon Keynote would be given during the lunch break when lunch is being provided as part of the event. Other typical keynotes are: the Dinner Keynote and the Conference Opening Keynote.

Brad Fregger offers a wide variety of talks based on his books, and the knowledge he has gained over the years in the areas of creativity, publishing, technology, and futuristics.

The overall design or mock-up of a page, including typeface, headlines, page number, and visuals showing how the page will look when printed; a guide for the printer.

Library of Congress Card Catalog Number
Established in 1901, a numbering system assigned by the Library of Congress, this number is used by libraries throughout the United States to identify each book in their stacks. Every book that is expected to sell to libraries must have a Library of Congress Catalog Number.

An author's written material ready for the final stages of production (editing, copyediting, etc.).

The business of advertising, promoting and selling books to the public and to distributors. 

Match Print
This is the final proof of a graphic before it is printed.  At 1st World Library, Match Prints are used when producing the book cover. It is evaluated by the graphic artist in order to verify that the colors are identical with those in the original artwork.

Media Kit
Well-planned promotional materials, such as press releases, flyers, letters, and reviews used for announcing and circulating information about a forthcoming book.

Niche Market
An easily identifiable market that can be targeted for direct promotion, i.e. golfers, model plane hobbyists, collectors, etc.

The light image of transferred ink or an imprint that comes from an adjoining text page or illustration, or an inserted paper. 

On-Demand Publishing
A relatively new technical process whereby the printing of the book is done entirely through a digital process that makes it possible to print any number of copies at a given time.  With traditional printing , involving a typesetting process, it was necessary to produce relatively large quantities of a book to get the price down to where it could be sold through the retail channel.  With on-demand printing, it is possible to produce short-runs of books at a cost that still enables sales through the retail channel and to libraries. 

To print a larger quantity of books than ordered. Printers estimate a 10 percent spoilage. If this does not occur, the additional books are charged to the customer but only up to 10 percent.

Perfect Bound
A binding method that uses plastic glue to bind the loose leaves to the book cover.

Press Release: A public relations announcement issued to the news media and other targeted publications for the purpose of letting the public know of company developments.

The company that prints and usually binds the book; in other words, produces the final product.

The first copy of the actual book, used to find errors and make necessary corrections.

An individual or company who customizes promotional materials for a given book; may also assist in arranging public appearances and interviews.

The sale of books at full price directly to the public.

Stands for "Standard Account Number." A number assigned to libraries, schools and organizations that buy, sell or lend books.

Sans serif
Typeface that is straight with no serifs or small extensions on letters, generally used for headers.  

A half day (3 hours) session in which the participants learn the concepts behind the subject that is the focus of the seminar.  Seminars tend to be a blend of lecture and discussion.  For example, in Brad's Get Things Done seminar, participants learn the ten secrets for creating and leading exceptional teams, discussing each secret to verify and affirm its impact on the leadership process. 

The fine line that extends from the top and bottom of letters making them easier to read, used for the body text of a book.  

Subsidy Press
See, Vanity Publisher

Target audience
An identified group of readers who would most likely be interested in a book's particular subject matter.

Title page
Odd-numbered page at the beginning of the book that gives the title, subtitle, author's name, publisher and place of publication.

The style of typed letters used for the body text. This text is in Times Roman.

Vanity Publisher
Companies that produce authors books at a price to the author, usually retaining all rights for a relatively long period of time (3 to 5 years), paying the author a royalty for any book sold during this time.  During the licensing period the author must purchase from the Vanity Publisher any copies of the book needed for self-promotion. The actual royalty structure, or cost of books purchased by the author, differs with each Vanity Publisher, do policies regarding retail price, quantity discounts, etc

A company that handles the resale of books in large quantities and serves booksellers (distributors work on behalf of publishers).

An extended session, usually a full day (six hours), where participants learn and practice the knowledge and skills that is the workshop's focus.  For example, in Brad's One Shovel Full workshop, participants are not only exposed to the concepts behind storytelling designed to change beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions, they also identify a real-life situation that would be helped through this process, create a story designed to bring about the desired change, and practice telling the story.

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