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Beyond the East Window

Larry E. Smith

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"The east window takes in the breathing of the hills.
The curtains, like vapors, slowly rise and fall.
It’s autumn but warm enough to sit on the edge of sleep;
eyelids kindly hang on to a Sunday’s conversation.

Beyond the East Window is Larry Smith’s first published collection, consisting of poems composed over the last thirty years.

The Author lost all but a handful of his poems to a wildfire in 2009,  he expresses his deepest appreciation to the following for their assistance in retrieving copies of his poems—Clifton:  “Why I Skate at Benedick’s Pond,” Descant: “Driving Through a Street Deluge,” Barbara Smith, Carol Haley, Elizabeth Evan, and Lois Knight.  I am especially grateful to Janey Whitaker for her copy of most of these poems.

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